Facili-traination + Experience Design
Design and facilitation for the California Wellbeing Economy's inaugural retreat of partners and potential comrades with wide-ranging organizational affiliations, positions, lived experiences, and current projects
Design and facilitation for California's climate and environmental justice policy conversations between nonprofit leaders, elected officials, and state administrators
Staff, board, and team retreats for a plethora of organizations
Skill-building workshops for tech corporations, governmental departments, nonprofits, community groups, and education institutions
Virtual mediation for two co-founders needing to separate ways and getting through tough conversations necessary to save their friendship
Conflict coaching, mediation, and small group restorative conversations design and facilitation for a school district that needed immediate support with tough conversations between district administration, school administration, faculty, and staff
Ritualized grief and forgiveness conversations for a university department

A technically experienced nonprofit leader wants to move into People and Strategy leadership position
A leader finds themselves between a rock and a hard place as they make moves to increase equity and social justice in their organization
An overworked executive needs to untangle a range of issues to make a complex decision about their future with the organization
A higher education administrator takes on the challenge of a new team in a new environment and finds their skills and style don't produce results as well in the new context
Leaders preparing to be a part of workplace mediations, organizational trainings around equity, and similarly charged conversations need coaching throughout the process to stay centered and courageous
Conflict coaching for leaders with non-dominant identities to address issues such as micro-aggressions, burnout culture, staff/supervisor accountability, career transitions, being invisible/hyper-visible, order at the expense of justice, holding back for fear of the angry label, imposter syndrome, and more

Strategic planning for various misison-driven organizations
Evaluation for the Hewlett Foundation's US Climate Portfolio
​Racial identity caucus work and bridging with White Accountability Groups
Culture setting for new groups and re-setting for new leaders of teams or teams wanting to grow out of old habits
Board culture consulting (usually followed by training and coaching)